
Sunday Worship   10:30 AM

All Welcome


Vision Statement

“SCC exists to love God and to love the next person you come to”


We Believe 

  1. The Holy Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, sufficient and authoritative for all matters of faith, life, and godliness.
  2. The Trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one in essence but, distinct in personality.
  3. The pre-eminence of Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and Master; Jesus Christ is the incarnate, Divine Son of God, being fully God and fully Man in one person. 
  4. The supreme authority of the Word of God and its absolute and sole sufficiency as our only rule in determining faith and practice. 

We Are To

    • Obey God
    • Learn to love God
    • Yield our time, talents and treasures to God
    • Share our faith with others
    • Choose community to learn and serve together




Bible Studies   9:15 AM

 Worship   10:30 AM


Prayer   5:45pm

Men’s Bible Study  6:30PM


(Call 530-249-9136 for more information)